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Welcome to Noble!

Noble is a BoshNRoll Discord community “standard constructed” format where you may play up to 4x of any common or uncommon in MTG (with a small ban list) in a minimum 60-card deck with standard 15 card sideboard, effectively "pauper + uncommons". This is distinct from the French Community format *Peasant* which only allows up to 5x Uncommons per deck, and the MTG Arena format *Artisan* which is only standard-legal cards. The concept is Pauper + Uncommons; the actual gameplay is closer to "Legacy Lite".


The purpose of Noble is to create highly interactive, fast-paced, and powerful gameplay while maintaining the budget-conscious mindset of other community formats like Pauper.

Noble is primarily the brainchild of user @Arkratos after a discord pauper tournament devolved into discussion on the inclusion of Uncommons to “spice things up”.


Characteristics of Noble

  • Fast format. Most games between proactive decks are over turns 3-5, but are decided on Turn 3.

  • Card advantage engines are powerful, i.e. monarch, initiative, skullclamp, T. Cruise, Expressive Iteration

  • Permanents are powerful but not pushed. i.e. Dragon’s Rage Channeler exists, but Omnath and Jace do not

  • Very interaction-heavy. All the best removal in the game was printed at common or uncommon. Bolt, Swords, Path, Pending, Push, Snuff Out, etc.. are all available, as are Force of Will, Cabal Therapy, etc..

  • Extremely Limited mana-fixing options. No untapped duals, only slow fetches. Multicolored decks are forced to either sacrifice late game with City of Brass and Gemstone Mine or early game with tapped trilands and astrolabe. Tribal is the one exception.

  • Synergistic deck building is rewarded. "Good stuff" piles don't exist or aren't good

  • Combat step is king, with a lack of good board clears, and lots of efficient creatures


Noble Banlist, Short History

Noble has a small banlist, visually depicted here: Noble BanList // Moxfield — An mtg deck builder site for Magic: the Gathering®


The format started with Channel, Demonic Tutor, Mental Misstep, Sol Ring, Strip Mine, Bazaar of Baghdad, and Library of Alexandria banned.


The first Noble tournament concluded with a massive over-representation of “oops, all spells” in the top slots, going virtually undefeated the full tournament. It was decided that there needed to be multiple bans from the deck, which ultimately included Balustrade Spy and Lotleth Giant. The community decided they wanted a “slower” format in general, so Dark Ritual and efficient tutors Demonic Consultation and Merchant Scroll were also banned in order to make combo slower while still maintaining its viability.


The meta has been healthy since those bans, with midrange decks, aggro decks, combo decks, and control decks all having representation and performing well in tournaments.


The card "Feywild Caretaker" was banned after the launch of the Initiative spells on MTGO December 2022. While the Initiative mechanic as a whole represents a powerful new addition to the format, Caretaker in particular, due to its ability to create flying blockers, made it trivially easy to seize and retain the Initiative. Its power level is significantly higher than all of the other 5-mana spells in the format, in addition to being a blue card that pitches to Force, and a spell that is easy to cast early via Mana Drain; and therefore, it was banned by the community.

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